Thursday, November 13, 2014

DentaQuest Pediatric, Adult and Family Dental Plans Available on Health Insurance Marketplaces

By: Steve Pollock, DentaQuest Chief Operating Officer

DentaQuest has received certification as a Qualified Health Plan to offer individual and small group stand-alone dental plans on the 2015 Federal Marketplace in the states of Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, and on Maryland Health Connection, the State Marketplace in Maryland.

DentaQuest’s plans offer a high-quality and affordable dental insurance option that fulfills the pediatric dental essential health benefit (EHB) for children. Adult benefit plan designs are also available and range from basic coverage to a more comprehensive plan.

The Open Enrollment period for 2015 coverage begins Saturday, November 15, 2014 and runs through February 15, 2015.

Individuals and families who currently have a dental plan with DentaQuest that they purchased through the health insurance marketplace in 2014 will be renewed in their plan automatically for 2015. They will see no interruption in their benefits and will not have to take any action unless they want to make a change.

Having dental coverage is important for good overall health. Cavities and gum disease are nearly 100 preventable. The Affordable Care Act made sure pediatric dental and vision services are essential benefits. It is important for children to get regular checkups and preventive treatments throughout their childhood and teen years. We look forward to helping families get affordable dental coverage to help their children stay in good health.

DentaQuest administers statewide Medicaid dental benefit programs in Florida, Maryland and Virginia, and the statewide Medicaid and CHIP program in Texas. DentaQuest also administers dental benefits on behalf of several health plans in Florida, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona and Texas.

Detailed information about DentaQuest’s individual and family dental insurance plans on the Health Insurance Marketplaces can be found at: