Happy Holidays from all of us at DentaQuest.
View our video greeting here: DentaQuest Holiday

By Dr. Mark Doherty, Executive Director, DentaQuest Institute
The DentaQuest Institute had the great honor of hosting the John Rossetti Memorial dinner at the 2011 National Primary Oral Health Conference. John was a personal friend and a great advisor to the DentaQuest Institute and its Safety Net Solutions program. He was one of the program’s first Expert Advisors – our elite faculty of experienced public health dentists who are mentoring safety net dental programs across the United States. It was a great privilege to host the memorial dinner and to endow our annual Centers of Excellence Awards with John’s name.
The John Rossetti Centers for Excellence awards recognize elite safety net dental programs of 2011– programs that displayed tremendous leadership and excellence in oral health practice management, greatly improving access to care and the oral health status of their patients. The recipients of this award provided the leadership and initiative necessary to make positive change “stick” within their dental programs.
The five 2011 Centers of Excellence partnered with Safety Net Solutions technical assistance and practice management consulting over the course of the past year. They were challenged to institute difficult changes with the goals of increasing access, promoting financial sustainability and improving oral health outcomes.
The five programs selected this year truly deserve the “Excellent” title – they have outstanding evaluation data to show that the changes they implemented have lead to measurable improvements in many areas of the dental program.
The 2011 Safety Net Solutions Centers of Excellence are:
We commend each of these Centers for Excellence, and thank all of the safety net dental programs for being examples of sustainable dental care in their communities. I think John Rossetti would be proud of all of them.
By Dr. Doyle Williams, Chief Dental Officer
When people hear the phrase, “I’m in good health,” chances are they aren’t thinking about their mouths.
But you should. A regular check up with your dentist is as important as an annual physical. If you are someone who is afraid of the dentist and only make an appointment when you are in pain – think of this: regular preventive care is not painful and it will help prevent painful visits in the future. Good oral health serves much more than cosmetic purposes – it is integral to your overall good health.
Teeth, gums and oral soft tissue are all susceptible to a range of conditions and diseases, including cavities, gingivitis and oral cancer. The irony is that dental disease – cavities and gum disease – are nearly 100 percent preventable if you know what to do. It’s what you don’t know about oral health that may hurt you. That’s oral health literacy.
Culturally-competent oral health literacy is as important as seeing an oral health professional. For some, a painful tooth may be enough reason to schedule a visit with a dentist. But others may wait to see bleeding, swelling, or a fever before thinking about getting care.
That’s the challenge of oral health literacy – making sure people know how to care for their teeth and gums, making sure they know the signs for concern, and making sure they know when and where to go for help.
Here are two examples:
By Steve Pollock, President, DentaQuest
At the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association this week, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced three new categories of Leading Health Indicators for the Healthy People 2020 campaign. The good news is oral health has been identified as a Leading Health Indicator category…finally.
Healthy People 2020 identified 17 oral health goals -- from reducing the rate of dental caries in the primary and permanent teeth of children and adolescents – to increasing the number of children, adolescents and adults who use the oral healthcare system.
HHS named Oral Health a Leading Health Indicator because it is a critical health issue that, if left unaddressed, could result in future public health problems. DentaQuest could not agree more.
Everything we do is focused on our singular mission to improve oral health. Our PreventistrySM philosophy ensures a unique focus on prevention, disease management, quality care, and cost effective benefit program administration, and recognizes and supports the important provider-patient relationship in achieving good oral health. Our DentaQuest Institute isolates areas where we know there is a better way to prevent and manage oral disease, and works to make new and proven dental therapies routinely available in the dental office. Historically, new evidence-based care learnings take years to become accepted and practiced in the dental office setting, and the Institute is working to change that. Our DentaQuest Foundation is driving a grassroots movement across the nation to improve oral health with its Oral Health 2014 Initiative, awarding 20 state organizations funding and resources to reduce oral health disparities, one of the biggest cost drivers in the American health care system.
We are committed to our mission and intent on setting goals and measuring our success against them. We’re working on that. But with Healthy People 2020’s designation of oral health as a Leading Health Indicator, our ability to affect our mission takes a major step forward. With the endorsement of HHS and the power of Healthy People 2020 focused on oral health improvement, much will be done to prevent oral disease. Our population will be healthier and our state and national health care systems will see costs go down. Without good oral health, it’s impossible to enjoy good overall health.
Oral diseases are almost 100% preventable. With the right focus and resources, oral disease is one chronic health problem that we can target and eliminate – in our lifetime. I am convinced that with a coordinated system of collaboration and persistence, oral diseases can become a thing of the past.
Stories like this illustrate the need that drives the DentaQuest Foundation’s investments in oral health improvement at the national, state and local levels. Previously, I wrote about the DentaQuest Foundation’s support for the U.S. National Oral Health Alliance which is engaging national partners in oral health improvement goals.
People feel the pain of their inability to get needed services at the local level. So today, I am writing about the Oral Health 2014 Initiative. This new signature program of the DentaQuest Foundation is building a movement for oral health at the state and community level by supporting the work of state-based organizations that are developing effective community solutions.
When we announced the Oral Health 2014 initiative, we immediately saw a clear need and interest in community solutions for oral health across the United States. Over 200 program leaders from nearly every state joined in our Request for Proposals launch webinar in June. Seventy (70) organizations responded with their ideas. Thirty-six (36) were invited to submit a full proposal.
Today, Oral Health 2014 is taking root and moving forward in 20 states. I am enthusiastic about every one of these organizations. Each is working to build support for oral health solutions in their communities, engaging traditional and not-so-traditional partners. Oral Health 2014 is a multi-year initiative. The DentaQuest Foundation is committed to each organization’s success, providing financial and technical resources to help them move their projects forward.
This is an important moment for oral health. These 20 state organizations join the growing national movement of collaborative leaders who are aligned in their desire to address oral health disparities-- many hands working toward a common goal.
Congratulations to our new Oral Health 2014 partners! I encourage you to join them in building collaborative solutions.
Ralph Fuccillo, President, DentaQuest Foundation
“Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane.” Martin Luther King Jr., 1966.
When the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial is dedicated in Washington, D.C. this October 16th, America will celebrate the inclusive and powerful legacy that constituted Dr. King’s overall dream for justice. This occasion has prompted me to reflect on opportunities to add a voice to this national moment of hope that keeps Dr. King’s dream alive.
Within all the memorable words of Dr. King, those spoken on the subject of health care and inequality resound in my mind most strongly. Throughout a career dedicated to prevention and public health, I have come upon too many situations where life’s odds are stacked against those in greatest need and people who are dealing with chronic illness in our communities. When I think that we have not solved “the most shocking and inhumane forms of inequality” in the 45 years since Dr. King made this claim, I know that our work is nowhere near completed.
We are moving forward with tremendous opportunities in the era of health care reform and when the value of collaboration is being recognized as a powerful method for better decision making in many sectors. I have witnessed many examples of how changes in the conditions in which people live are making a tremendous difference in reducing inequalities. These include investments to increase access to healthy fresh foods, investments in safe places to exercise and play, and investments in community supports to navigate options for health care.
The occasion to memorialize Dr. King’s legacy is an excellent one to promote effective leadership across all sectors-- business, government and philanthropy -- to create pathways for health equity. A new program of the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) encourages such collaboration. The National Partnership for Action (NPA) to End Health Disparities provides opportunities to engage in Health Equity Councils in all ten regions across the United States. Each council is engaging community-based leader across health, business, philanthropy and community to move the dial on health equity through better collaboration among stakeholders and more effective use of public and private resources to reduce racial and ethnic health disparities.
No one sector can create the conditions for better health alone. It takes a cohesive and inclusive national strategy that leverages layers of public and private sector investments and creates critical partnerships. I am honored to represent oral health and philanthropy on the Region I Health Equity Council and invite others to learn more about the Councils and to get involved.
The dedication of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial this month reminds our nation of its commitment to ensuring equality for all. For me it is an opportunity to highlight the important efforts of the many people and organizations working for equal access to quality health care.
Did you know that tooth decay is the most common childhood disease?
That cavities are almost 100 percent preventable when children have access to prevention, education and treatment services.
That 1/3rd of children ages 6 to 8 have untreated caries (cavity) in a permanent tooth.
That every year, 16 million children go without dental care, placing them at great risk of getting cavities or worse.
Today, on Child Health Day I would like to remind you how important your child’s dental health is to his/her wellbeing.
Please take a moment to sit down with your child today to talk about the importance of good oral health in their lives and what they can do to help keep a healthy smile.
Dr. Doyle Williams, Chief Dental Officer, DentaQuest
A public opinion survey* by Oral Health America confirmed a trend that I’ve been hearing about lately as I talk to dentists across the United States.
The survey revealed that one-third (35 percent) of people who regularly visit the dentist are going less frequently. One-half (47 percent) of larger households and households with children reduced their visits to the dentist in the past year. Families with younger children cut back more than households with slightly older children.
Regrettably, preventive dental care appears to be something that is falling through the cracks, when families are faced with managing competing needs in a challenging economy.
And that concerns me.
Dental care is the #1 unmet health care need for children and low-income adults. Cavities and gum disease are preventable. Regular dental visits are investments in long term good health. With regular visits, it is more likely that problems can be found early when dentists can help teeth “heal” without any drilling. Your oral health caregiver can show you how to protect yourself and your children from getting cavities and gum disease by helping you understand your risk factors and protective factors. You may also be told about preventive treatments, like sealants, a thin protective coating painted on the molars of the teeth of children and adolescents, to protect against cavities.
Cavities and gum disease are bacterial infections. Studies show links between gum disease and premature births, diabetes, respiratory disease, and cardiovascular disease. I was recently very saddened to read about the young father in Ohio who died from an infection that started in a wisdom tooth and spread to his brain.
Not going to the dentist means you don’t get early warning of problems or important preventive education and information to keep you from needing costly treatments later.
*Oral Health America public opinion survey sponsored by Oral Healthcare Can’t Wait and Plackers
By Steve Pollock, President, DentaQuest
Good dental health starts at home, and parents and caregivers are THE most important role models for their children. Oral Health America has a nice booklet, Fall for Smiles, on their website that can help families talk about good oral health. Also, from September 19-25, Trident gum is donating 5 cents to Smiles Across America® for every pack of Trident gum sold. Smiles Across America helps children who do not get regular dental visits because their families lack resources, insurance, transportation, or because of language barriers.
Make this a fall for Smiles! Brush and floss your teeth daily. Be careful about the sugars in your diet. Avoid tobacco products. And schedule a visit with your dentist.
From left to right: Pat Finnerty, DentaQuest Foundation; Bridget Hengle, DentaQuest; Felix Layne, DentaQuest; Cheryl Harris, DentaQuest; Debborah Oswalt, Virginia Health Care Foundation (ED); Waradah Eargle, DentaQuest.
Bananas and oral health? You bet they’re connected!
First let me give you some context for this story. Over 425 volunteers from Virginia and 12 states traveled to rural Western Virginia this summer to make the Wise County Mission of Mercy (MOM), sponsored by the Virginia Dental Association Foundation, and the delivery of free dental care to underserved people possible. Volunteers were dentists and hygienists as well as those not directly involved in delivering care, like me—I work in the finance department of DentaQuest.
This was my second Wise County MOM experience, and last year my role was dental hygienist assistant. This year, I was a member of the DentaQuest Virginia team responsible for distributing snacks and beverages to help sustain the hard working volunteers. This year, a dentist came to the DentaQuest snack trailer asking for a banana because his hand was cramping. The dental teams work in extremely hot tents starting at 5:30 am and continue late into the night—so one would expect hand cramping! What helps a cramping hand? The potassium found in bananas, and we didn’t have any.
I looked at the dentist and at the lines of people waiting for care and knew there was only one thing to do. Get bananas! At the nearest supermarket, I bought the entire supply of bananas -- 4 cases totaling 160lbs. There wasn’t a single banana left by the end of the day. Next year, we’ll be purchasing 500lbs of bananas for our food service effort during this three-day event.
This Missions of Mercy effort is all great work. Over three hot July days at the Wise County Fairgrounds, 1,382 patients received dental care valued at $1.5 million. This is dental care that these individuals and families—many of whom are the working poor—wouldn’t normally be able to afford. Wise County is part of the expansive and impoverished rural Appalachian Mountain area. Folks living around here are the working poor, elderly, disabled, or uninsured. When you are struggling to get food on the table, finding money to pay for dental care isn’t realistic. For this reason, the most common procedure was not cleanings or fillings, but extractions. The majority of teeth dentists saw were beyond repair. 3,575 extractions were performed.
Efforts like Missions of Mercy bring out the best in people. The desire to make a difference was contagious and didn’t stop at bananas. All kinds of folks showed up with something to offer, from food to clothes to dental services. My 14-year old daughter came with me and had the great idea to bring 150 dolls, hand-made by and donated from the North Andover Senior Center, to give to waiting children. I was so proud of her, and grateful for the opportunity to expose her to this valuable experience.
The Wise County MOM event left a dramatic impression of the unmet need for health care services. It reaffirmed the importance of having access to insured dental care, and highlighted the many different ways there are to help people.
The Virginia Dental Health Foundation started the Wise County Missions of Mercy (MOM) eleven years ago to "make caring visible." I encourage readers of this blog to get involved -- donate time, money, your voice, or your skills to help people receive vital dental care in your community. There are Missions of Mercy projects in nearly every state throughout the year.
I’m pleased to have had the opportunity to contribute in some small way to this effort. You could say that I’m bananas about MOM events. If you are interested in participating in next year’s Wise County MOM, you can find details on volunteering here.
By Ralph Fuccillo, President, DentaQuest Foundation
When healthcare reform goes into effect in 2014, nearly every child in the United States will have access to dental benefits coverage, through Medicaid expansion and state exchanges, many for the first time. That is an impressive goal.
But it made us wonder how will the existing oral health care delivery system handle this dramatic volume of new individuals seeking care?
One likely source for care will be America’s health safety net of community health centers. Today, 1,250 Community Health Centers in more than 8,000 communities in 50 states and all U.S. territories provide primary health care services to 23 million individuals, most with limited financial resources. Today, not all CHCs have the capacity to provide dental care. In fact, 12 million+ community health center patients do not have access to dental care services.
Our response to this challenge is the Strengthening the Oral Health Safety Net Initiative, a $1.75 million investment to strengthen oral health delivery at community health centers across America. This Initiative is providing oral health leadership development and technical assistance to community health centers at the national, state and local levels in three ways:
1) Through a targeted investment, we are partnering with the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) to build oral health leadership throughout America’s network of Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs). NACHC supports its member Primary Care Associations (PCA) and their community health centers with research-based advocacy, training for health center and PCA leadership and boards, and partnerships with key stakeholders to foster the delivery of primary health care services to communities in need. NACHC will now include oral health as part of its education and advocacy work.
2) Through a very competitive Request for Proposal process, the DentaQuest Foundation invested in five state PCAs for the Strengthening the Oral Health Safety Net Initiative. Each PCA will receive funding for oral health technical assistance and leadership development to support the expansion of oral health at their member community health centers. PCAs are the state-based trade associations of health safety net organizations. They are an important partner because they provide training and continuing education, advocacy, and many other services for their member health centers.
3) Finally, up to 5 community health centers in each participating state PCA will receive direct practice improvement technical assistance to either start a new oral health program or strengthen an existing program, provided (in-kind) by the DentaQuest Institute and its Safety Net Solutions team.
We are very pleased to be working with these five PCAs in the Strengthening the Oral Health Safety Net Initiative.
Their work will become a model for PCAs in other states.
Dr. Mark Doherty, Executive Director, DentaQuest Institute
This week, we lost a good friend and oral health champion with the passing of Dr. John Rossetti. John’s life was dedicated to public service and improving the lives of others. He got his first taste of community-level engagement working in rural health in Central America as one of the first “class” of Peace Corps volunteers. After graduating from dental school, he joined the U.S. Air Force and served as a Dental Officer in New Mexico and Thailand, providing dental care in the villages surrounding his base. From there, his commitment to public service lead him to join the Indian Health Service, where as the only dentist for two reservations, he learned valuable lessons in prevention, education, early intervention and restorative services. He passed these lessons along to so many peers and public health professionals throughout the years, and his guidance and tutelage made us better at what we do.
As Chief Dental Officer for the Health Resources and Services Administration, John initiated the first ever partnership between a health agency and Medicaid to address access to oral health services for children. And after ‘retiring’ in 2002, he started a new career as a consultant. It was in 2008 that I had the privilege of welcoming John as one of the DentaQuest Institute’s Safety Net Solutions program’s first Expert Advisors – our elite faculty of experienced public health dentists who are mentoring safety net dental programs across the United States.
Mentoring was in John’s soul. He loved interacting with people and connecting the dots. But more than that, he connected pulses -- helping friends share resources and ultimately have more impact both on the profession and on each other. He made us more effective and he taught us to do it with a smile. John was a genuine Pied Piper. Was there anybody more suited to the dental profession? I cannot imagine what his chair side demeanor must have been like!
John was also the ultimate diplomat. He would warn us -- not about people –always about situations to avoid or at least to consider avoiding before blundering ahead. And, when faced with thorny decisions, John always left us a gap through which we could make a graceful exit if we were not able to go where John wished. John loved to navigate or help navigate the tough situation. I actually believe he preferred the help navigate scenario because he so valued the personal relationship part of the journey. Somewhere, he learned that he could accomplish more of his mission by sharing what he had learned with us. Lucky us!
The last time I talked to John he was very sick. He refused to talk about himself and only wanted to know about me and whether I had followed-up on something he had told me I should do. And, as expected, the follow-up was related to friends. What a guy, so unselfish! Another lesson learned.
It has been an honor and privilege to share a part of this nice man’s life. Jeez! I miss John…. All of us at the DentaQuest Institute will.
By Ralph Fuccillo, President of the DentaQuest Foundation
I’m excited to announce that we’ve launched the first-ever Venture Fund for Oral Health.
One of the major obstacles to achieving nationwide optimal oral health is the lack of funding to bring effective solutions to scale. Developed by the DentaQuest Foundation, The Venture Fund for Oral Health is a new funding opportunity for oral health programs that have shown positive outcomes and have potential to make a large-scale impact.
The four areas that the Venture’s grants focus on include:
To qualify for funding, organizations must demonstrate proven past successes in one of the systems that we seek to impact – policy, funding, care, community – and a well-developed plan for expansion.
By replicating programs that have proven to be successful in reducing oral health disparities, we can improve access to oral health care and reduce oral disease for vulnerable children and their families. Knowing that tooth decay is the most prevalent chronic disease among children aged five to 17, it goes without saying that the Venture Fund for Oral Health is both critical and hopeful.
So please, spread the word! If you are part of an organization that promotes oral health or know of an organization that is eligible, encourage them to apply for one of these grants.
By Ralph Fuccillo
President, DentaQuest Foundation
During the past few years, I’ve had the opportunity to be part of an exciting, collaborative initiative that has mobilized the oral health community across the nation. What’s the initiative? The U.S. National Oral Health Alliance. The Alliance is bringing together groups with various interests and perspectives in a never-before-seen way. It is really quite remarkable.
The roots of the Alliance date back to the 2009 American Dental Association’s Access to Dental Care Summit, where more than 140 leaders in dentistry, dental education and the dental industry, as well as medical professionals, health advocates, opinion leaders, program heads, policy makers and others collectively addressed a common vision: ensuring access to care and prevention that supports optimal oral health for America’s most vulnerable children and adults...within the next five years.
With that vision came a commitment to work together to find common ground and work for shared solutions – and the Alliance was born. So far, we’ve made tremendous progress toward extending the common ground that grew from the Summit, but there is still more to be done. As the recent Institute of Medicine report points out, not enough Americans have access to dental care and nearly one-third of the population reports challenges in accessing dental care.
The Alliance continues to work toward a common purpose of improving access and oral health and welcomes all as partners.
Skeptics may say this is not possible, but having experienced the trust building and commitment of colleagues that built this new organization over the past two years, I am convinced we can fulfill the vision that many of you claimed as your own.
Visit www.usnoha.org. The first gathering, a Colloquium, is in November. Get your name on the list by joining the Alliance. Shared leadership, open minds, and the willingness to collaborate will further build on the best ideas to improve oral health for those who are most in need.
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In April, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) released a report on the state of oral health in America, concluding a two year evaluation of the current oral health care system. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) requested and funded this report to inform its work in addressing oral health challenges across America. HHS asked the IOM to assess the current oral health system and make strategic recommendations for its future programming. HHS is the federal agency which directs many of the government’s dental delivery, research, training and other programs.
Here are highlights:
The IOM recommended that HHS design an oral health initiative that addresses areas in greatest need of attention, using approaches that have the most potential for creating improvement s, and to support this effort with strong leadership, sustained interest, and the involvement of multiple stakeholders.
“The Committee on an Oral Health Initiative reaffirms that oral health is an integral part of overall health and points to many opportunities to improve the nation’s oral health,” IOM President Harvey V. Fineberg, M.D., PhD., said in the foreword to the report. “We issue this report in the hope that it will prove useful to responsible government agencies, informative to the health professions, and public, and helpful in attaining higher levels of dental health.”
The IOM report and brief are posted online at www.iom.edu/Reports/2011/Advancing-Oral-Health-in-America.aspx